


e-mail address for updates only:

Will you need electricity - yes or no (110v service only - limited wattage):

Will you be camping in a Tent/ RV/Car – other. Please specify:

Will you be staying at a Motel? Y / N:
 Click Here for local info

(Meals must be pre-paid) may be ordered up till the Friday before star party

Friday Lunch   __________ x $7.00

Friday Dinner __________ x $7.00

Saturday Lunch __________ x $7.00

Saturday Dinner __________x $7.00

(Early Registration Only) T-shirt S___  M____  L____  XL____ XXL____  XXXL____  x $15.00

Pre-registration Before September 8, 2006

Five day admission $35. ______ x $35 = $_______

Additional family member $10 each ______ x $10 = $_______

One day pass $15 each. ______ x $15 = $_______

Registration after September 8, 2006

Five day admission $50 _______ x $50 = $_______

Addition family member $15 each _______ x $15 = $_______
One day pass $20 each _______ x $20 = $_______